Some time ago, there was a lot of news about innovative experimental operations of pig's heart organ transplants to humans. However, two months ago, a patient named David Bennett (57 years) reportedly died at Maryland Hospital which was being treated on Tuesday (8/3 /). 2022). Even though they did not explain the exact cause of death, the doctor said Bennett's condition had begun to worry about it in the past few days. According to AP, Bennett's son praised the hospital to offer the final experiment and hope it would help further efforts to overcome the problem of lack of organs.
Medical condition Bennett David Bennett, a Hargerstown, Maryland, is a candidate for an animal organ transplant experiment because of his critical condition. In addition, Bennett also does not qualify for human heart transplants. He lay in bed with life support and had no other choice. Bennett has a heart failure and irregular heartbeat, plus a history of not obeying medical instructions.
After surgery on January 7, 2022, Bennett's son said there was no guarantee that the transplant would succeed in his father. Previous efforts in transplants, or xenotransplants, mostly failed, because the patient's body quickly refused the animal organs. One of them is a baby bay, a California baby who saw, underwent 21 days with the heart of Babon in 1984. This time, Maryland surgeon uses the heart of the pork engineered by genes. Scientists have modified animals to remove pig genes that trigger hyper-fast and add human genes to help the body receive organs.
At first the baby's heart was unsuccessful, and Maryland's house released a magazine, allowing Bennett to speed up his recovery. Last month, the hospital released Bennett's video watching a super bowl from the hospital bed while undergoing physical therapy. "We strongly missed Mr. Bennett. He provedd to be a brave and noble patient, whos fought to the end, saidd Dr. Bartley Griffith, who carried out operations at Baltimore Hospital in a statement. it was a greats achievementt that he was still alives for two months. and can. to enjoying with his familly, "concluded Dr. Robert Montgomery from NYU Langone Health, a transplant surgeon who has a heart transplant procedure.